The work realized for the exhibition Antithesis of painting reacts especially to a certain type of theoretical cliché. Contemporary questioning of the meaning of painting in contemporary art and its legitimacy describes two pyramids installed in the opposite position. The upper object expresses a kind of an absolute position for the perception of the content of any artworks that a viewer is very often unable to perceive, whereas the lower part builds mimicry on the other type of the inconspicuous. During the exhibition operation viewers usually stumble over the lower pyramid because their eyes are logically directed especially at the paintings presented on the wall. It is the moment of a stumble leading to a halt, to the identification of the problem and to the possibility of exploration of a concrete situation. Both of the rather pathetic pyramids actually serve as a kind of quotation marks – of either a real situation in a gallery or in the relation of painting and art. They cannot be installed separately and their meaning is contained in their mutual combination.

Two Solutions Of One Problem
(exhibition project for Antihesis of Painting - HPL laminated plastic, wood)