“Artworks created by Petr Dub (1976) in the past few years take a form of high reliefs with soft transitions, such that in combination with the color applied by spraying they resemble details of bodyworks of opalescent metallic paint or abstract computer rendering of the surface of a planet. However, their basis remains in a canvas and they are also hung on a wall, like paintings. Otherwise, they differ greatly from what most people imagine when hearing the word “painting”, which may include many variations (i.e. styles, contents, techniques, materials, etc.), yet the common denominator is its spatial definition, or special limitations.” More by Marcel Fišer (Another way how not to create paintings…)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 30 x 51 x 10 cm)

Cover page painting (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 35 x 72 x 5,5 cm)

Two or one thousand ends of painting? (2015, ackrylics, wood, canvas, Ø 60 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 42 x 56 x 10 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 42 x 56 x 10 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 61 x 52 x 9 cm)

untitled (2015, ackrylics, wood, canvas, Ø 60 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 49,5 x 59 x 5,5 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 80 x 35 x 6 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 67 x 39 x 12 cm)

Hommage to Luc Tuyman (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 95 x 48 x 10 cm)

Hommage to Luc Tuyman (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 95 x 48 x 10 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 93 x 32 x 8 cm)

untitled (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 93 x 32 x 8 cm)

Neither blue, neither nor purple and not even straight painting (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 133 x 46 x 45,5 cm)

Analog 3 (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 2 x 189 x 15 x 9 cm)

Analog 4 (2014, ackrylics, wood, canvas, 2 x 200 x 16 x 4 cm)