1. 1,000,000 years of history.
2. 10,000 characters * waiting for A4.
3. Communication guidelines.
4. Boundaries of (self) identification.
5. Ema has botox.
6. Absence. Gaps. Sight glasses.
7. Present characters. Missing background.
8. Flickering of images. Missing edges.
9. Physical art.
10. Blurring of wrinkles.
11. Isolated index.
12. Character – poppy in the field.
13. Distillation. Reduction. Plurality.
14. Guest to the house – analysis of the work.
15. The expectation machine. Machine for previews.
16. Concepts of communication.
17. Zuckerberg vs Zoidberg.
18. State algorithm.
19. Absolute gram. Absolute Instagram.
20. Insulation. Sharing. Distance. Cheapness.
21. Cubism today. Crumpled into the shapes of ideologies.
22. Holders of know-how versus holders of consciousness.
23. Partial answers to complex questions.
24. Tentacles of art theory.
25. Mamon of presence.
26. Tectonic plates of knowledge. Mutual blackmail.
27. Dominance of presence at the microphone of a historical moment.
28. History as memes.
29. Equality and difference.
30. Artistic nonsense.
31. Resistance on the basis of the whole.
32. 1, 000 000 years of neo history.
33. 10,000 characters on A4.
34. Mantineles of happiness. The limits of satisfaction.
35. Boundaries of (self) identification.
36. Recognition flashes.
37. Absence of knowledge.
38. Patterns of understanding.
39. Missing characters.
40. Flickering of images.
41. Partial answers to complex questions.
42. Plates of knowledge.
43. History of repetition. Terabytes of clicks.
44. Difference in inequality.
45. In the shared gap.
46. Theory of raped history.
47. Art as a repository of unsolvable questions.
48. What size should the image be: 1080px landscape and 1080px portrait.
49. PIN: 1234.
50. Another 1,000,000 met.